When Will the Blyat Be on Sell Again on Wows

#1 Posted Aug 04 2016 - 00:57


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Armored Warfare - about dead already

State of war Thunder Basis Forces - ballsy fail

Globe of Warplanes - epic fail

Globe of Warships - failing fast

But in the midst of all the chaos, World of Tanks has not only survived, it has thrived!

To name a few examples:

- Residuum is better than ever

- Map diverseness is good

- Rental tanks have been a big success

- Missions are now easier and less stressful (no more than grinding iii hours a day, every solar day, for a month to attempt to go that elusive premium tank)

- Tournaments are nonetheless going potent

I ever like to say to the naysayers that world of tanks has anywhere between l and 100 years left. Why is that? The competition knows that World of Tanks is very, very difficult to trounce. Every competitor has seized on a supposed "weakness" of World of Tanks, only has not been able to capitalize on it.

For example:

- War Thunder's initial big advantage that everyone could encounter was its graphics. Manner improve textures and environments than World of Tanks, despite a similarly clunky game engine. But this wasn't nearly enough to compensate for weak gameplay that cannot compare to the competitive matches of Globe of Tanks.

- Armored Warfare used the exact same formula as WoT but sought to soften or remove some of WoT's "rough edges." Repair and ammo costs are less, games are more than profitable, artillery doesn't have massive alpha, depression tiers are very playable, etc. etc. But once again, the gameplay is simply not every bit intense as World of Tanks.

- Earth of Warships was initially a breath of fresh air. Like Armored Warfare, depression tiers in WoWS were fun and assisting, while college tiers still maintained the same formula, at to the lowest degree on paper. But the balancing of the ships showed that the devs were not at all serious virtually making the game competitive. Each patch would have dozens of very minor fixes while completely ignoring enormous rest problems. Let's be existent - people complain about one side in World of Tanks having 3 extra heavies or iii extra loftier tiers. That happens only very occasionally. Warships made it the norm.

So besides the weakness of the contest, Earth of Tanks needs something to keep information technology going every bit well. A game won't final for a lifetime based on just how bad other games are. So what does Earth of Tanks have that keeps players coming dorsum to it?

In my opinion, it'south the highly competitive environment that rewards skill and nothing else. At that place is e'er more to learn in this game. Boilerplate players may make five right decisions and 5 wrong decisions. Good players make 10 right decisions and 1 wrong decision, just that one wrong decision may cost them the game. Every move that a role player makes in World of Tanks requires thought. Sometimes the best motion in a certain situation is to await. Obviously I won't go into all the details, but proficient players in Earth of Tanks aren't born good - they use their brains and experience to make solid decisions.

And then that'southward how I experience most this game. I that even equally I arroyo a phase in my life where I volition simply non accept fourth dimension to play, World of Tanks will concur a special place in my heart.

I will look a HUGE sale on tanks for the United States Tricentennial in 2076. Hopefully I won't accept been banned by and so!

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xAcaelus #2 Posted Aug 04 2016 - 00:59


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CheekiBreeki_ #iii Posted Aug 04 2016 - 01:08


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Sure! Once I leave my safe zone (basement) and find a fertile female I might have kids, idk tho m8.

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HomerTheGreat #4 Posted Aug 04 2016 - 01:17

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Game has been out 5+ years which is a remarkable feat for any game to last that long only you would remember that WG would be because a WoT ii, ameliorate and improved in every way and learn from their mistakes with the electric current iteration.   Only ah hell, I gauge all those 2003 era computers in Russia wouldn't be able to run information technology and so look this version to keep going until it dies one twenty-four hour period.

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kilroy26 #5 Posted Aug 04 2016 - 01:35


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How is Warships failing fast? I would love to hear your logic for that one

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GeorgePreddy #6 Posted Aug 04 2016 - 01:35


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WoT two has already been announced... it volition be all "modren" tanks, so... very few people will play information technology and information technology volition lose out to WoT but like every other would-be competitor has.

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ArmorStorm #7 Posted Aug 04 2016 - 01:41


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View PostGeorgePreddy, on Aug 03 2016 - eighteen:35, said:

WoT two has already been appear... it will be all "modren" tanks, so... very few people volition play it and it volition lose out to WoT just similar every other would-exist competitor has.

Could you cite this please?  I accept heard some talk about it only have never seen it in print.

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Striker_70 #viii Posted Aug 04 2016 - 02:09


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While I concord that it volition probably be over a decade before WOT dies, WOWS isn't declining fast and doesn't have the problems you outlined.  Recent updates have made the WOWS MM more balanced than WOT.

In fact, it would exist dainty if WG put those balance updates in WOT now.

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Wolfgang363 #9 Posted Aug 04 2016 - 07:12


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Armored Warfare is coming out with a new game fashion called Lord of War, this will be the offset of there Earth Map and will all and so be the beginning of the finish of World of Tanks. Thank God

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thejoker91 #10 Posted Aug 04 2016 - 08:07


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View PostWolfgang363, on Aug 04 2016 - 03:12, said:

Armored Warfare is coming out with a new game fashion called Lord of War, this will exist the first of there World Map and will all so be the beginning of the end of Globe of Tanks. Thank God

Oh sure, a new game mode, that will impale wot.

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anonym_OlK73e329bMY #11 Posted Aug 04 2016 - 08:fourteen


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I volition pass my Conqueror down to my children and hope they'll be able to achieve unicum level WN8 in it. Or unicum level WN14 or whatsoever it'll be then.

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Reiko_Nagase #12 Posted Aug 04 2016 - 08:23


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Sure i'll requite my account to my children when i have them. Hopefully they volition savour all my Russian Cyka Blyat tanks :P

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AMSRocker #13 Posted Aug 04 2016 - ten:25


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My boy will get 1 heck of a stacked garage!

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yereverluvinunclebert #fourteen Posted Aug 04 2016 - 11:27


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View PostSahintheFalcon, on Aug 03 2016 - 23:57, said:

Armored Warfare - nearly dead already - not really, just nowhere near as big as WoT, currently a niche in the marketplace - WG should buy them out for their technology for utilise in WoT two.0.

o War Thunder Regular army - epic neglect - I'd agree that they failed past making low tier entry tanks so unplayable as to be a joke. College tiers are supposedly better! What a joke.

o Globe of Warplanes - epic fail - we all know this.

o World of Warships - failing fast - the stats seem to support this, a niche game only.

o Rental tanks have been a big success - I'd concur.

I agree with the OP on these to a higher place just...

o Balance is better than ever - What world are you lot living in?

o Map diversity is good - No, appalling map diversity, the same onetime maps over and over..


I was recently interviewed by a company producing a study for Armored Waffe and my outcome was that the only reason for AW's survival is because WG hasn't stomped on them by extending the tiers upward to xx. The merely reason WG aren't doing this is due to the paucity of their existing technology and the Russian user-base having inadequate computers unable to cope with bigger maps, college res textures and the load that any upgraded client like to AW's would put on their toasters.

When that applied science bulwark is removed by fourth dimension or eventual upgrade of the user-base applied science, WG volition stomp on AW with their version of a modern simulator.

AW should accept taken WoT on head-to-caput with WWII era tanks, nationality tech copse and a decent back end interface rather than cower in a corner of  the game universe where it thought in that location was no competition. In my opinion they are almost to be stomped past WoT 2.0 which must be in development - surely?

War Thunder has never been a competitor to WoT as they never really put the attempt into making it a WoT killer, they just added skiddy tanks and fifty-fifty more weird spotting mechanics than WoT's I say if you are going to compete, so COMPETE!

Edited by yereverluvinunclebert, Aug 04 2016 - 11:31.

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anonym_OlK73e329bMY #fifteen Posted Aug 04 2016 - 11:33


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Expect, World of Warships is "failing fast"?

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Bogart1943 #xvi Posted Aug 04 2016 - 11:58


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My son is smarter than me, he quit playing last yr and cashed out. So I approximate my account dies with me.

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anonym_OlK73e329bMY #17 Posted Aug 04 2016 - xiii:04


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View PostBogart1943, on Aug 04 2016 - 06:58, said:

My son is smarter than me, he quit playing concluding year and cashed out. So I judge my account dies with me.

What was his WN8?

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Gomez_Adams #18 Posted Aug 04 2016 - thirteen:xxx


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View PostSahintheFalcon, on Aug 03 2016 - 19:57, said:

Armored Warfare - nearly expressionless already

I really wouldn't know personally as I've always played information technology, simply everything I've heard virtually it says y'all're right.

View PostSahintheFalcon, on Aug 03 2016 - nineteen:57, said:

State of war Thunder Ground Forces - epic fail

Nope. Distressing. Completely wrong. Does information technology accept its issues? Yes. The ULQ advantage in realistic and simulator mode existence the biggest. Only overall information technology has less problems than World of Tanks does at this stage of the game, and frankly, graphically it makes World of Tanks await completely stupid.

For case:

Hither is my Tiger H from Earth of Tanks in the garage taken just at present. All my settings are at maximum:

And here's my Tiger H on State of war Thunder in the garage on maximum settings taken just now:

So, sorry. You're apartment out incorrect. The but reason virtually WoT players don't like WT tanks is because it's much, much harder to play successfully. It'due south non the 100 mph spam gold for the win that World of Tanks is. In short, fifty-fifty Arcade in WT is more realistic than WoT is by a long, long ways. Realistic...well, World of Tanks simply tin can not compete at all in any way, shape or form.

View PostSahintheFalcon, on Aug 03 2016 - xix:57, said:

World of Warplanes - epic fail

Agree completely. That is fact. When it fails and so badly that Wargaming shuts downwards the studio that developed it and fired everybody involved in it's evolution, you lot know it's bad.

View PostSahintheFalcon, on Aug 03 2016 - nineteen:57, said:

World of Warships - failing fast

Wrong. Completely. It even so has the aforementioned number of folks playing it at present that it did a year ago. Now, is that expert news? No. For a game as new as it is, information technology should be growing more than it has. Only at to the lowest degree at this point, it'south holding its own and they're working VERY hard on it.

Frankly, I'chiliad having FAR more fun with WoWS than I am anything else except for my beloved planes of War Thunder.

I'1000 as well of the opinion that the reason WoWS never took off is due to the reputation of toxicity and bullying that WoT has had for years. I've talked to people over at WT that have never even tried any Wargaming products based SOLELY on the reputation information technology has of bullying and trolling.

It actually is sorry that no matter where I go (WT, D3, GPL, F1 2013, etc) everybody has heard about how bad this environment is, and they list information technology as the sole reason they've never in one case bothered trying it.

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PMR100 #nineteen Posted Aug 04 2016 - 16:43


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I left considering they refused to fix the mm and screwed up the game with lights and meds.  Screw you wargaming.

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ISNomads #20 Posted Aug 04 2016 - 17:11


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View PostGeorgePreddy, on Aug 03 2016 - 16:35, said:

WoT 2 has already been announced... it will be all "modren" tanks, so... very few people volition play it and it will lose out to WoT just similar every other would-be competitor has.


Simply think what will happen when the existing playerbase is split between 2 games.

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Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/508087-the-future-of-world-of-tanks/

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