Film Review Drag Him Under the Bed

Under the Bed (2012) Poster

6 /10

When at that place actually is a monster nether the bed...

Information technology is my admiration and fascination with the horror genre that collection me to choice up "Under the Bed" and sit down down to watch it, especially since I didn't know what the movie was about or who starred in information technology. All that I had seen was the movie cover, and it was more than than enough to go my attention.

It turned out that "Under the Bed" had a rather interesting and entertaining storyline. I had initially thought that given the title of the picture that it could be a cheesy horror film, but I was glad to be proved wrong. The storyline hither was rather skillful, and manager Steven C. Miller and writer Eric Stolze had managed to put together a clever storyline and one that kept the audience in the dark - literally.

The movie was actually genuinely creepy, and director Steven C. Miller did a cracking job in building up the suspense and the dread throughout the course of the movie. And the climax when the animal was finally revealed was really quite satisfactory.

"Under the Bed" had some good acting performances, and Jonny Weston (playing Neal) and Gattlin Griffith (playing Paulie) actually carried the movie quite nicely.

The fauna in this picture show was rather interesting, and it was of good pattern and concept idea. It was a creature that was somewhat frightening and lamentable at the aforementioned time. Certain, it was non a beast design that revolutionized the horror genre in any way.

I found "Under the Bed" to be an entertaining movie and information technology was a good improver to the horror genre.

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eight /ten

Strangely satisfying

Warning: Spoilers

Under the Bed is not your average horror movie. Instead information technology has the feel of good old films like Fear Night or Lost Boys. The story is that of 2 young brothers battling a demon that lives nether their bed. They have a choleric and frustrated father who is ever aroused and doesn't believe them and and then there is his wife, who is replacing the boys' mother, expressionless in suspicious circumstances.

I liked in this movie that they didn't go into the usual recipe of people who don't really believe something is going on, but something is always behind them or in a mirror. Well, at that place is some of that, but not excessively so. The brothers both know the demon is existent and they have to battle on two fronts: the demon at nighttime and their asshole father during the day. All in all a very beautiful premise and well played by all actors.

What I didn't like was the end. All of a sudden, later years of subtle action, the monster emerges and starts killing everything that moves. They don't really explain the demon world that the brothers explore for a brief moment, nor the monster'south fascination with the older brother. All the same, fifty-fifty if I didn't enjoy the end every bit much as the rest of the movie, it doesn't mean it is a bad catastrophe and overall I liked the moving-picture show and its feel very much.

Bottom line: it felt like an old school horror moving picture, that contains expert acting too as a captivating story. They didn't even use CGI, every bit the monster was a guy in a suit and all the other effects were washed with fume, lightning and rubber props. I idea it was a small altitude away from a cult classic and only the rather abrupt and kind of pointless ending spoiled it. I practice hope they make a sequel, preferably with the demon returning and saying "Boyyy!" :)

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eight /10

Creative and Interesting Monster Film

Most of the people tearing this movie apart and faulting it seem to base that on the fact the movie has some plot-holes and casuistic jumps between sequences. I can concur with them, but a compelling seamless story with lots of character evolution and deeper pregnant does not necessarily make for a good horror flick.

I enjoyed the picture equally a whole, even every bit a cynical and self-proclaimed Horror Genre veteran. The first hour of the movie may have you lot wondering "Why is this even rated R?" "Where's the monster?" "Where'south the gore" but all those questions are answered in the last 20-xxx minutes, and so be patient - and information technology will deliver.

At that place are no crazy Asian-ghost-girls and the motion-picture show does non rely on CGI at all. There are a handful of bloddy and gory sequences that do unfold towards the film'due south end, i-upping the beginning of the movie which may have you wondering if you're watching some other "Disturbia" (throws-up) or "My Soul To Accept" (the worst wes craven produced picture past far)

It takes some time to go warmed upwardly but the movie does deliver on the goods towards the end, and of grade, whatsoever film involving fictitious monsters/demons living under beds is going to come across as light-headed and casuistic on some level. You can tell the director wanted to engage the audience and requite them some frights and fun, and it's production quality seems a lot college than you lot would expect with a non-theatrical release. I tin honestly say this is the almost fun watching a new not-Hollywood horror movie in the last twelvemonth, and that's out of dozens.

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4 /10

More than pigsty(s)

This movie makes "The Hole" (3-D) look like "Denizen Kane". What am I trying to say? That for adults this will probably not work at all. While the mixture of the Hole (targeting adults and kids in a Horror motion picture) might not have worked all the time, it did achieve something. The movie correct here has a lot of flaws, some of them being the giant holes in the story itself.

In Horror movies we are used to characters doing irrational things, but the movie virtually seems to have the goal of topping fifty-fifty the most ridiculous of your expectations. What I really liked was the very moody beginning. And I guess if you are in the right historic period and/or non familiar with Horror movies, this might actually scare you a lilliputian. But if that doesn't apply to yous, I propose you employ your fourth dimension for something more satisfying.

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8 /10

My Review Of "Under The Bed"

"Under The Bed" is Steven C. Miller'southward continued vision of of modern horror that is heavily influenced by archetype cult genres. Not technically a throwback movie, "Nether The Bed" does seem to bring back a lot of the nostalgia and romanticizing that fourscore's young adult, animal-feature films utilized to hold an audience to the film. The story focuses on 2 brothers dealing with that ultimate childhood evil- the thing nether the bed! Starring Jonny Weston, Gattlin Griffith, Peter Holden, Musetta Vander and ane hell of a creature from the other-earth, "Nether The Bed" is a bit more grown upwards than those 80's teen PG horror films that played it a bit safer or comical. This moving-picture show is a somber, macabre tale that stays well in the shadows of the mythic fear allowing for a darker movie.

The story plays on bones fears of growing upwardly with uncertainty, tragedy and change that drive babyhood imaginations and insecurities. The film ads the element of a supernatural evil that plagues the brothers thoughts, stalks them, and lives –according to the adults in the kids lives-totally inside their own imagination. This theme flows in an almost mournful melancholic fashion throw the first half of the film, pushing frontward mostly on the melodrama and strained emotional dynamics between the characters. Almost as if trying to play with the notion that perhaps information technology is in the kids imagination and the true monster lies closer in more realistic fashion. The flick plays out in a mostly surrealistic style which does seem to acquit on a fleck also long. I was begging for some real horror or action and instead received standard trickery and imitation- out scares for no reason. Then the second half of this film kicks in and oh boy does it boot in difficult.

"Nether The Bed, mid-way through- gives us the goodies with bodily scares coming from the monster and an intensity to the drama the brings you out of the shock of anticipation, correct in to the chills of these boys nightmare. The acting is well enough with just enough dialog and emotion coming from the characters to brand them relatable just not too much so that yous tire of them. As far as the "teen" actors in the moving picture-like most movies with kids- I never really connect or connected to them other than fearing for them in the film. I haven't connected with kids in movies for a long time. Everything about them seems a mystery to me-I am just too onetime to chronicle. However these kids in this film were super actors and the story or screen never seemed to over power their abilities as actors.

This film for me personally, is one of the better fauna features to come up out recently and the film's aesthetic quality is top notch. It maintains a eerie – non quite right – air virtually information technology through the unabridged film. The special effects and the monster itself were pretty crawly, and the whole niggling mythic element to its existence was memorable. Much like the world of Wes Craven's "They". I would have loved to hear more than nigh that otherworld and the creature nether the bed. But hey – live is abound with mystery and not all things reward with explanation. Anyhow dorsum to "Under The Bed". This film is a refreshing new modernized spin on an old babyhood fear and worth watching at least once, for me personally a few more times. The gore and graphic violence, though pretty much zip until the last act, was gory and I loved it. Steven C. Miller is a true talent, offering an almost romantic love of surreal horror that ends in an ballsy high intensity mortality. That quality to today's horror is profoundly lacking-I think. Very few directors express the more Gothic love affair with horror that played through 80's horror. I really enjoyed this movie.

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7 /10

This well crafted creature characteristic lulls you lot, lures you in then hits you hard

Alert: Spoilers

'Under the Bed' opens with dark, moody undertones that establish a sense of foreboding which fade about unnoticeably into the slightly upbeat homecoming of the teen lead and his reunion with his child brother under very tense circumstances. With the immature ages of the two protagonists the plot leads you lot into a false sense of security believing that the film is perhaps targeted at a younger audience and will thus treat the viewer with child gloves. However, such is not the instance, and for serious horror fans, the third act will not disappoint.

The film is well made. Settings are clean and all of the actors give believable life to their respective characters. In detail Peter Holden is convincing as the male parent of the two boys who plays well a man who seems to desire to be a skillful parent, but who has much road left to travel along the procedure of healing from a tragic event that took the life of someone very close to him and ripped apart his small family unit.

Jonny Weston's performance as 'Neal' brought to mind Jason Patrick's struggling teen role in 'The Lost Boys'. Weston really projects the fear and turmoil and disgust of a young human being forced to alive for years on the edge an completeness. He's jumpy, outwardly disturbed and exhausted from lack of sleep.

The film is substantially divided into 2 acts - the commencement which runs for around two thirds of its length and the second which makes 'the reveal' and brings resolution. I enjoyed this structure equally it provided plenty of time to introduce and develop the characters, and tension was slowly increased along the away, although I was expecting a shock in some course to happen sooner than it did.

Additionally, while the premise has been used before, usually such stories involve parents who prance effectually every bit if completely unaware that something horrible is happening to their children. Here we take a father who cannot ignore the psychological and physical turmoil his sons are experiencing and so he must react and does so in what seem similar extreme or concluding resort parenting efforts. I found this to be refreshing in lite of the commonly clueless parent characters in similar films.

I as well agree with one other reviewer of this moving picture in that the negative reviews seem misplaced. In 'Under the Bed' we take a film with dark, tense atmosphere populated past characters on the edge of breakdown, harried by a presence which cannot be explained by the laws of what we understand to exist the natural lodge. In other words - a really good journey into horror, which takes us far away from the overpopulated genre of slasher films and into the living nightmares of two children who just want to atomic number 82 the normal lives they haven't had for years.

I highly recommend 'Under the Bed' to horror moving-picture show buffs searching for their next fright set. Make some popcorn, turn off the lights and permit yourself be drawn in. You'll never see "it" coming.

Five out of x stars for overall quality, plus ane for character development and capable acting, and one more than for no use of CGI to convey horror.

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3 /ten

Jumbled mess

You tin tell from the title lone that "Under the Bed" is attempting to pay homage to the host of other kid-horror movies that proceeded it in the eighties. You tin see there is real love for films like "Gremlins" "Monster Squad" and even "Poltegeist." The story starts out well enough with a teenage boy returning home years afterwards a tragic event took his mother's life. His younger brother is happy to see him dorsum, but onetime wounds from the past resurface and both boys are put in a position where they must choose to finally face up the monster that has been plaguing their family for years. The major trouble with "Under the Bed" is that it really has no idea what kind of picture it wants to be. Moments in the film have an innocence long lost throughout the years of horror, merely at other times it attempts to exist as well grown upward for its own practiced by using profanity and generous amounts of fake claret. If this was the movies only sin, we could probably give it a pass, but it is not. The script is shaky to say the least, while many parts throughout simply practise not make sense. It also does not aid that the shoestring budget is very evident up until the last 20 minutes of the movie. I certainly respect the guts of all involved in trying to accomplish this feat on what petty they had to piece of work with, simply there are much more suitable, and bluntly ameliorate child horror movies to sit down and watch for 90 minutes.

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7 /10


Alarm: Spoilers

Neal (Jonny Weston) a moody, mumbling high school educatee has been abroad living with Aunt Sarah for two years following the burn incident. He is coming home with his less than understanding father (Peter Holden) to reunite with his younger brother Paulie (Gattlin Griffith) and come across his new step mother Angela (Musetta Vander). As the film progresses we notice out more than about the burn down incident and the thing that lives under the bed.

I liked how they did the horror and creep factor in the motion picture. It didn't come up at yous constantly so you lot didn't become numb to it. There were a number of things that made me scratch my head.

1) Neal was gone for two years. Paulie was three when he left. He is clearly well older than v, more like 10 or xi. 2) Angela experiences an early encounter, and then acts similar zip happened. iii) Paulie has been sleeping in the same room every bit this matter for years which seems absurd. iv) Dad forces them to sleep in the haunted room to testify a indicate.

I felt like there were some missing scenes. Makes for a practiced rental. Picket information technology for the scare and endeavour not to call back too much nearly the plot.

Parental Guide: 4 F-bombs (my count). No sex activity or nudity.

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vii /ten

Bogeyman done right

Alert: Spoilers

This flick is way under-rated.

The monster in this pic is awesome, first off, it's ane of the better (if not all-time) original monster creations in contempo horror movies. What'southward more is this flick remembers a time when a monster could be prepare, through darkness and shadow play. Teased at, only to be revealed in the climax of the film. It'due south an fine art that has been forgotten by most in the genre. And this movie knows how to use gore without overusing information technology, another balancing human action long forgotten.

In that location were a few things that didn't make sense, the biggest existence what the dad is then mad about through the whole moving picture. The simply reason for this (plot-wise) existence that he pushes the children into against the monster.

Nosotros don't really go whatever sense of the motivation of the monster, but what are you gonna practice? Sit down and try to ask him why he wants to eat you? We all know the tropes that are widely used to explicate back-story in these films, just this motion-picture show sidesteps those, and I don't find it that detrimental to the picture show as a whole.

Overall, this movie isn't a masterpiece, but it'due south worth watching with a bag of popcorn.

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7 /10

are we supposed to laugh? hmm...

This movie smells a lot similar "Phatasm". Instead of the alpine human being and the flight spheres yous get a smoke car and a hunchback in a cream-covered wetsuit. There'south also an evil dimension with a lot of coloured lamps and sheets. The biggest win however is the angry dad character, whose crowning achievement is the "grow the f.#k up" speech towards the middle of the film. Information technology's hilarious to come across him respond to his children in the mode that he does. Basically information technology goes something like this: child: "A demon ate our mommy." Dad: "Get a task." I can't believe the actors went along with dialogue this bad without protesting or at least laughing.

The script could have been written by a pre-school student. Ooh there's like a monster under the bed and you have to sleep on cupboards. Y'all can't touch on the floor. And sometimes similar the washing machines kind of wobble when it's mad. If you could judge this picture by normal standards I would say one out of ten, but how can you apply a normal scaling when a picture has become so bad it's skilful? Also to exist fair the crew did a skillful job with the low budget they had for the monster scenes. Especially the heads getting ripped off.

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8 /ten

Peachy Throw Dorsum 80'south PG Fashion Horror

WHat else can I say just it is super enjoyable.

I am non sure why the low score. Virtually likely the high and mighty audience. It is a throwback to some actually good fourscore's horror.

It is reminiscent of those bang-up horrors where kids were kid and acted like kids. The kids in the flick are very relateable sort of like the children in the Goonies or ET.

The championship of the motion picture is the plot but are all the kids crazy? Is it in their heads? Who knows, yous must sentinel to find out. I highly recommend giving this a spotter.

I will give it an 8 to a 9 out of ten. Are there plot holes maybe. But does information technology cease the fun and! Highly recommended.

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4 /10

Unwelcome updating of a once classic sub-genre

UNDER THE BED is naught more than an unwelcome try to update that classic child-in-danger horror sub-genre of the 1980s. Back then, a wave of practiced and not-so-good movies along the lines of THE GATE and MONSTER IN THE CLOSET depicted kids battling confronting the worst nightmares of babyhood, fighting off supernatural beings and their disbelieving parents at the same time.

UNDER THE BED is such a picture that tells a very like storyline, simply unfortunately the execution is lacking. This is a surprise given the director is Steven C. Miller, who also brought us the splendid home invasion horror film THE AGGRESSION SCALE. For some reason, he decided to tint Nether THE BED a deep shade of blueish, and so everything that happens is blue-tinged. It's a depressingly predictable expect and one which saps vitality from the production.

Non that there's much there to begin with. This moving picture is saddled with a dull backstory, some boring master characters (the angsty teenage graphic symbol is a walking cliché) and manner likewise much small talk to be much good. Sure, there are a handful of fun moments involving rubber-suited monstrosities, but the tension just isn't there and such moments fall flat. What a pity.

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eight /x

Why people hate the good movies non the overselling nonsense ones i dont get

Warning: Spoilers

While people are VERY and i mean VERY picky on horror. Just similar the moving-picture show pigsty which i saw information technology for 20 mins and i went and bought it at walmart! This i desire too, for most movies i am a petty picky in sense of types of horror i like, many i not into like serial killers, just like some nutjob goes out and kills people, they may live at finish creating a sequel its like yeah yeah.... Slow .

Take this picture, got a kid that to me anyway looks like a 19 year erstwhile version of Ponyboy from The Outsiders if look in the face and Ponyboys face when blonde hair and talking nigh nothing stays gold. Really looks very simular, through not him at all. 2 brothers tormented by a creature under the bed, the fog, the creepy arms grabbing him at times, their in their face when trying to sleep. Agape information technology volition get them. The killing scenes are and then awesome the head breaking of the 1 kid through not certain if the residual died, i think the girl said they did.

The angry, biting, but still honey him dad called-for like in acid, and the way the head was ripping out. They know if they told them or and so the parents or people wouldn't believe them.

Add that and the grabbing the wearisome but steady of them trying to impale the thing, figure out what it is, or any signs of stopping it. While doing all-time to endure the mindset that their dad and their step mom thinks their nuts. The laundry room scene was cool the way it shows upward in the dark. TO me thats cool and the Pigsty was fun, corking cast funny, clever so its like information technology but to a dissimilar direction.

I don't know well-nigh you but i like movies a petty unique and slows it down just too same fourth dimension, keeps information technology steady with it. I understood it all, just somethings similar how does it get out of the bed if it never had earlier. That and why is it only picking on the two boys, and never went after them before, but i just say oh well a few questions only still a great movie, and i volition buy information technology and i only like to buy movies i like. I saw twenty mins of hole i loved it i bought it took a risk on the catastrophe. I like this presently id become it. 8/x

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9 /x

Jon Due east.

I thought It was a pretty cool picture actually. I am a huge advocate for indie films and I retrieve this independent movie was done very well. Jonny Weston really delivered his performance very good as well as his younger co-star. I did find myself jumping quite a bit while watching it. In that location were a few scenes that were questionable but overall I think the story was very well executed. Information technology takes the more than mature viewers to when they were kids and idea in that location were monsters under the bed. I would say it is definitely worth giving information technology a chance particularly if you like indie horror films and if you are a fan of Steven C Millers other movies also.

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6 /10

Old Schoolhouse

Higher up average low budget horror film. Information technology relies on archetype horror scares instead of cheesy CGI. I was actually happy to not come across whatever CGI in information technology. The deportment and dialog of the characters are weird and unrealistic simply that'southward how a lot of old horror films are and so I kinda liked it. Recommended for old schoolhouse horror fans non for gore hounds or millennials.

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4 /10

You certainly won't be hiding in that location watching this

2 brothers, the older of which has returned home after setting his house on fire and inadvertently killing his mother, must do boxing against a man in a rubber suit who lives under their bed. Okay, so it'due south actually a monster, but, when you come across it, you'll probably think, 'Oh, there's a man in a rubber monster suit.' Yeah, that's the tone of the motion picture.

Naturally, the boys' parents think they're crazy and their dad is a consummate idiot at all times (whether they're talking almost monsters or asking for a potable of milk, he seems to find it in himself to first shouting and threatening to lock everyone in their rooms forever... or something similar that – in brusk, he'southward a douche). Then you take your clichéd bullies who think he's crazy and they live side by side door (practise you lot get the impression this film is lining up plenty of characters who are going to fall foul from the affair nether the bed?). But information technology's not all bad news for the older brother... no sooner has he returned to his dwelling house boondocks then he'southward met the one hot daughter who finds surly, reclusive arsonists who ride BMXs really bonny. So there you lot take your 'love interest.' Yawn.

The picture starts off tiresome. I'm guessing this is to 'build tension.' But it merely involves things moving in the house. Personally, I've never found a washing machine's door shutting past itself that horrific.

Yeah, there's a climax and some funky coloured lights hither and there. They even throw in a chainsaw by this time to effort and spice things up, but, by now, practise you care? I didn't. It'south not terrible, just zero remotely new enough to warrant me paying it any real attention.

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4 /10


For a rainy night with nothing to do, I guess this beast feature volition do. Literally no background.

****possible spoilers****

Yous take no idea where this "monster" comes from or why. All you know is it wants the older kid but has been tormenting his younger brother while he's been abroad. The father is completely unlikable and borderline abusive. The stepmother was about the only good thing about the whole, hole filled storyline. The acting is mediocre at best. The ending is very bleh. At that place'due south only nothing in this movie that I tin give more than a 4 for.

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seven /ten

Unbalanced for certain, simply has a nasty side and delivers the Gore

Alert: Spoilers

Neal Hausman (Weston) returns domicile after two years with his aunt in Florida. Neal was sent away when his mother died in a fire that many feel he caused. Neal is convinced there is an entity that lives under his bed that is the cause of the death and the terror. His younger brother Paulie (Griffith) is glad to have Neal dorsum and their strong bail is speedily reclaimed. Paulie has seen the Monster also and the two brother's team up to stop the evil forces their Male parent (Holden) and step mother (Vander) only don't believe exists. This odd horror flick plays like an interesting drama with the two brothers until you add the supernatural elements that are shown in slices in the movies first half. Somewhen it is time to reveal the monster under the bed and Managing director Steven C. Miller lets the audience accept it equally the barbarous being turns this into an unexpected bloodbath. The gory and at times scary 2d half volition make up for the long fix up the story does with the brothers. The moving picture is a flake disjointed because the 2 halves play quite differently. However, the movie has a nasty side and the scares and gore are quite fun past the time its over.

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i /10

No clue

I saw this was added to Prime number recently and I thought I would give information technology a endeavour. I got 20 minutes in and I just gave up. I take no clue who the characters are or what they are upwards to. I saw what looked similar a dysfunctional family and an older son who recently returned domicile, but that's nigh it. I don't accept time to waste product hoping that a moving-picture show will be good. You have twenty minutes tops to concur my attention. This movie failed miserably at that. My suggestion? Skip this one.

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viii /10

Really; under the bed!

Warning: Spoilers

Young brothers Neal (Jonny Weston) and Paul (Gattlin Griffith)are forced to go up against a monster that resides under bed...for real, under the bed. In an earlier confrontation, Neal accidentally burned downwardly his childhood dwelling. Now it is time to fight this monster all once more. What'due south the monster look like? Where is the gore? Await for lot become your gut punch in the last half hour. Real good horror picture show!

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v /x

Similar a Goosebumps episode...

Simply with a footling also much gore for the kids. Couldn't explain information technology whatsoever better than that. It was a trivial corny and ridiculous at times, but like Goosebumps or Are Y'all Agape of The Dark just no magic store with "Sardo." I've definitely seen worse high budget movies.

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4 /10

not worth watching

Alert: Spoilers

I downloaded this thinking information technology was good, but information technology felt like I was watching Netflix, started off good with a handsome troubled main merely then turned into a biblical monster story, and at the end the guy was saved by the spirit of his mother's dead ashes 😐 huh?

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3 /10

Uhm, but nix here made sense.

I and then desperately wanted to like this flick, as I thought information technology would finally convince children there could indeed be a monster under the bed! Unfortunately it was not the case. At first, the picture show only gives u.s.a. bits and pieces to chew on, keeping you guessing. Then, all all of a sudden, everything happens at once during the picture'due south terminal moments. The movie was not scary at all, and suffers from a lot of plot flaws. Where did the demon come from and why is it haunting the brothers? Why would they withal slumber on the bed if the know the monster is indeed nether the bed? Why is the demon so utterly passive for the first iii quarters of the moving picture? The demon haunted them years agone, too, and their mother died attempting to salve them? What happened to the demon thereafter and why is it back at present? How tin can the father nevertheless not believe them? The father is also the most annoying character with the nearly deja vu attitude and dialogue I've seen. Nope, at that place are meliorate films out at that place.

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9 /10

Bravo! Well-made,nostalgic horror for horror fans

I've seen several reviews of this work, and was shocked by the negative commentary. I found this moving-picture show to be a lot of fun, entertaining, engaging and ultimately really delivered the scares. This film has some of the platitude horror staples (ie. unbelieving parents,distracted,persecuted anti-hero-type..etc)just is legitimately able to build on them and practise something original with them. This pic is NOT for yous if yous are of the instant gratification/leap-scare mindset (which I absolutely hate). This film actually takes time to develop information technology'south protagonist and supporting cast with enough depth,quirk and humor to actually make the viewer care what happens to them (even the people you may not initially like!). The film'southward ultimate selling point equally a great little unsung characteristic, is its ability to be OK with Non answering some of the pressing questions. Information technology does so without leaving the viewer unsatisfied; better yet,it avoids answering the questions posed,but stupidly or cliché. I like and discover the nearly intrigue/fear from features that leave you uncertain,merely in an intelligent,realistic mode. Incidentally, Gattlin Griffith as our hero Neal's younger blood brother Paulie has some real scene stealers and does a keen and conceivable chore of playing side-kick to Neal'due south anti-hero. All in all, I plant this moving picture thoroughly entertaining,pretty much from the start and would recommend this for fans of the horror film genre. It's a slow but effective burn to the encarmine,tearing confrontation with hellish monstrosity that lives Under the Bed. Thanks!

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3 /10

Teen horror movie

Non much to say here, this is a teen horror movie aimed at tweens. The central actors were all earnest in their roles gotta requite them that. Reminds me of movies in the eighties I would take watched so if you're about thirteen you may savor this. Otherwise this is cliché driven, competently filmed but lacking in verve of any blazon in the script the only matter more than ridiculous than the titular horror was the Dad who despite recent deaths due to a domestic fire insists locking people in bedrooms is a good idea never mind health and condom precaution. Fortunately for this film night terrors exist but Child Services don't. Nonetheless some tweens may savor.

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