Why Is the Number of Trophic Levels That Can Exist Limited?

Question : The number of trophic levels in an ecosystem are limited. Comment. 



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Solution :

The number of trophic level in an ecosystem are each express and are not more than 4-v. because the corporeality of energy menstruum decreases with successive trophic level as simply x% of energy is transferred from one trophic level to the adjacent successive level. <br> Then rest of the energy is lost in the form of respiration and other vital activities to maintain life. if more trophic levels are nowadays, the rest energy volition exist express and decreases to such an extent that it cannot further support any trophic level by the menses of energy. <br> And then. the food chain is generally limited to three-4 trophic levels simply. <br> e.g.,`underset"(30,000J)"("Sun")overset("ane % asborbed")rarrunderset("300J")("Plants")overset("10 % trsnferred")rarrunderset("30J")("Deer")overset("10 % transferred")rarrunderset(3J)"Tiger"`

Question Details till 16/02/2022

Chapter Name Ecosystem
Subject Biology (more than Questions)
Class 12 th
Blazon of Answer Video & Image
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English language

In Text - English
Students Watched 37.vii K+
Students Liked 1.ix K+
Question Video Elapsing 1m44s

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Source: https://www.doubtnut.com/question-answer-biology/the-number-of-trophic-levels-in-an-ecosystem-are-limited-comment-26089385

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